Consistency and Work Calls

 I like to write. I like this blog. Why don't I find more time to put towards it... but really, I'm asking. 

When I think about how inconsistent I am with this thing, I realize that I'm actually pretty inconsistent with all sorts of things. And maybe I've never HAD to be that consistent. I've not really ever been in a completely stable place where things are just settled and coasting. I'm always on the way to somewhere. But where am I going now? Random thought...

I had remembered reading a book in the past year and the author had talked about setting aside at least 1 hour a day to write without interruption. I couldn't think of the book or author for a few minutes and I started convincing myself my brain must be broken, because my memory was so questionable. Just after that thought, Lauren Graham popped into my head. Ahem, Lorelei Gilmore. Or even Sarah Braverman. If you know, you know. If you don't, well, boo. See? I could rattle those character names off like nothing, but a book I read last year? Search deeply. 

Okay, I digress. Big time. Her autobiography mentioned how she writes every day (shows, screenplays, what-have-you) and I thought... I should do that too. Perhaps on a much smaller scale. Maybe 10-15 minutes a day. That seems like a small enough chunk. 

Mmkay. Well, now what?

I've always liked the name of my blog. Because it's not like I've got some astounding, earth-shaking information to share, but back when I started it, I had very little littles and I stayed at home. My blog was a way for me to share things I did, like, cook and bake and sew and whatever the hell else took up my time. It was a great time in life, now that I think about it. The girls and I living life. Having kids is such an adventure, and we went on many. Still do.

But what's my blog's focus...? Do I need to have a niche? Maybe to catch on... to trend... 

I'm just trying to get some thoughts out. 

The recent blogs talk more about relationships than anything, but isn't that the point of a blog? To be current? That's kind of where I'm at in life. I still consider myself new here and I'm still new to my job and working with new people and making friends and all of the relationships. But let's be real...  I love Love. I get excited to find it and well... I care for, like, ALL the people I meet. I can't help it. It's just who I am. Some day I'll care about the person that cares about me just as much. Or more. Is that possible? 

Quick story:

Some time not so long ago, in 2021... A guy... we will call him JT, like Justin Timberlake, but he will not be Justin Timberlake and in fact, he's nothing like him. But he added me on facebook. I don't approve people on fb that I don't know, because well, that's weird. But we had sooo many mutual friends and my brain being what it is, wondered "Do I know him and just not remember?" Shrug. So I added him. A couple days go by. I don't think I know this guy. He likes a photo. I dm him.

"Do I know you?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure. We do have a lot of mutual friends..."

"Well.... you added me, man." (Chances are, I didn't use that term "man")

Long story short, this messaging went on while traveling home from a little road trip and he said "Well, maybe we could talk on the phone instead?" since I had told him I couldn't really text at that point in time. We ended up talking on the phone for over an hour, while I drove the last leg of my trip home. 

Huh. That's intriguing.

A few days later, I had walked to the library to get some work done. We agree on meeting and he picks me up in his work truck and we plan to grab a coffee or something equivalent. Remember... we do not know each other. So when I get in, he says he's just received a work call. He says he can drop me off or if I want, I can go on the call with him really quickly. Sooooo, sure. Why not. We head to a lovely establishment (read: not totally awesome neighborhood), I hang in the truck while he does his work thing (Duh, I told a bestie and sent her this photo with information about JT. Safety first, in case he's a murderer).  that way she could find me, if necessary. Or my body I guess. Eek. 

None of it seemed THAT weird honestly. I trust my gut and he was not waving flags. He's easy to talk to and we enjoyed each other's company. He's fun. 


Is he the one? Nah, I don't think so.

A great guy, for sure. But can you ever just be friends? Unlikely. I don't know. I haven't quite figured all that out yet. I'm thinking no.  

I wonder what Lauren Graham would do. She'd likely write about it. 
