Questionable ingredient lists

People are always linking interesting things on Facebook, and I just came across this one…

10 foods sold in the US that are banned elsewhere

Like I said last week, I knew when I ran out of my Diet Mountain Dew, I was FOR REAL, done with it. I mean, I didn't even know what the word "Bromate" meant, but when it was followed by "Vegetable Oil," I thought, hmmm… That seems weird to drink. >_<

It is a bit alarming what the US allows in its food, but it looks like most of the world allows it, as the "banned from" list on this site is pretty short. It makes me think of my neighbor, who went to Cambodia last year and said they dip EVERYthing in MSG!! For real?! She said she noticed a difference in her skin and everything, because it was in pretty much unavoidable. Yikes!

It was also about a week and a half ago, that I randomly decided to actually look at the ingredients on the gum I buy, which is Orbit (sorry Orbit…) Turns out, it, and pretty much all gum at a standard grocery, has BHT in it. I looked up the fishy acronym, and found out it is like BHA, and you KNOW how everyone has been talking about BHA, in baby bottles, plastics, and the like… But we are chewing it too and didn't even know! Such a bummer. So last week, I used my Amazon Subscribe and Save powers and ordered this:

It says it's non-GMO, sugar-free, and all that so I thought I'd check it out. Gum really isn't a "natural" thing in the first place, so this might be as good as it gets, I'm not sure… I've tried the Spry too, I might like that better…

Anyways. My point is, even labels and products we don't even think twice about, should be checked out! 

Happy Thursday!!
