Back for Breakfast!

I'm baaaa-aaacck.

Ahhh, blogging.

How has everyone been….? For the past two years? I cannot say I am the best at keeping up with writing. In fact, two years is downright terrible. And I'm not even one of those funny witty bloggers that you've missed, but I keep getting this internal nudge to come back to it. Sometimes throughout my days, I'll think "I'd like to share this. I feel like it is helpful. At least, to those that find things like this helpful." And it's not the type of thing I want to update my Facebook status with. Because most of those people wouldn't care! It is generally about food. Or at least something relating to health. And now, I've had a few other people ask me what types of food I eat and what I feed my children, and this blog seems like a great way to share that.

So to start, I'll share that I do what I can to make healthy choices, but at the same time:

1. I don't do things that will exclude me from enjoying life; I'm not about to avoid going out to dinner with friends just because I'm afraid to eat.

2. I try to buy healthy options, without emptying my husband's bank account. Right now I am able to stay at home with my two girls while getting my Bachelor's degree. We are comfortable (although terrible at budgets), but I don't want to go broke just because I'm buying only organic bedsheets and organic grass-fed, wild-and-free-and-read-bedtime-stories chicken. I do like to buy these things when they're on sale and a good deal, and that is typically my rule of thumb for anything I purchase. And I'll come back to that topic….

3. I do not count calories or fat grams, however, I do watch out for sugar. It is my enemy! Again, I will not avoid foods as I don't need to draw attention to myself, but I try and watch the sugar I take in, and trust me, it is everywhere! So the occasional piece of birthday cake, sure, why not… but not every day of the week!

There is a whole lot more, but we will save that for future blogs… that is, as long as I do not completely forget about my little blog again! I have to admit I seem to have only been good at writing when my husband is out of town, and well, he's deployed again, so I should at least be good at this for a few more months! Hah!

I am not going to get into the "meat and potatoes" today, but I thought I'd start with this mornings breakfast. A fresh start for the blog and a fresh start for the day! Oh! Well, I suppose that would be my #4…

4. I like easy. Let it be known, that deep down, I don't really ENJOY cooking all that much! But when I think about how much money we waste going out, and then I think about the quality of food or the weird things that are added to all of the food that we are wasting said money on, I am generally able to talk myself into just heading home and working something out there. So simple is a requirement!

So that brings me back to breakfast. I have recently discovered steel-cut oats. Frankly, I didn't even enjoy any type of oatmeal until I was maybe 20 or so. And I never tried steel-cut because I was pretty sure they take about 17 hours to make. I suppose that's not true, but when I wake up, I'm hungry and there is no waiting around for breakfast! So my newest favorite thing to use for breakfast is my trusty crockpot. How great is it to wake up to warm breakfast?

Beautiful, artsy shot eh? Right, right…

So anyways, at night, toss together:

1 c steel cut oats
1/8 c chia seeds
4 c water
1/2 c almond milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/8 c Ideal brown sugar
Pinch of salt

Set on low for 8 hours in your crock pot, while you sleep, and you'll wake to a great breakfast! If you like some more sweetness to your oatmeal, you can add a packet of stevia. I use truvia. My girls and I both like cut up banana in our oatmeal. I also throw in a handful of walnut pieces, but the girls opt out of that! (For now… eventually, I'll convince them… ;-)

This is a great breakfast for those that are trying to get out the door quickly. It is super filling and will give you the energy, protein and fiber you need to get started! So many people make the mistake of eating something that has no fuel and you end up hungry 30 minutes later… Donuts. Poptarts. Pastries. Some cereals. That kind of thing. Oatmeal is a great substitute for you if you are wanting that little sweetness in the morning. And the even better part is this recipe leaves leftovers, so you've got a go-to breakfast throughout the rest of the week!

And that takes me to a thought for the next blog… I'll talk about sugar and my solutions for it!

So anyways… I really did miss you, blog! And my handful of readers! ;-)

I hope you enjoy your next breakfast! Enjoy your Tuesday!

