My new skirt!

Well, it's become pretty clear that I am not a person that should have a blog. Or I don't multitask well. Or something... I haven't been on here since my husband returned from his deployment. And now the only reason I'm on here? He's out of town. Lame, I know. I guess I'll never be like the Pioneer Woman or anything and become famous off my blog. That would be awesome... I just don't have the attention span, apparently. 

So why am I back? I did something really awesome last night. And yes, some may shake heads, but I'm super pumped about this. It started for two reasons... 

1. I've always loved InStyle magazine and taken an interest in fashion, but never to the point of being some super trend setter or anything... I've never been that cool... But I find myself ALWAYS wanting to shop, and I often will go crazy on clearance racks, only to come away with a bunch of mediocre things that I think are just "ok"... which in the long run doesn't really add up to that great of a deal. Now, obviously magazines and shows have always said this and to really just buy things you love! And it's ok to spend more on timeless key pieces and then spend less on the "trends"... Ok, I'm going off topic. So anyways, one thing you always see in magazines is how they'll buy say, 12 items, and then mix and match them in a bunch of different ways with things you may already own and you have a eleventy-billion outfits. So lately I've been thinking my outfits have been less than exciting, so how about I make a better attempt at this mixing and matching what I've already got, and I could come away with some awesome "new" outfits, rather than just buying more stuff! So while going through my closet, I've made some discoveries of things that were long forgotten... One item, a cotton A-line skirt that I wore a lot when I was pregnant, but now, honestly, I pretty much wear it for comfy sleepwear... lol. Cool. 

Well, this brings me to my #2. 

2. About a week ago, I watched the movie Friends with Benefits. By the way, it was much funnier than I expected it to be. Pleasantly surprised. I never thought much of Mila Kunis until Forgetting Sarah Marshall. She was freaking gorgeous. I kind of want to hate her. But I shouldn't. And she doesn't have kids, so it's acceptable. If she had kids AND looked like that.... I might just hate her. I'll cross that bridge when she gets there! 

So yeah, she wore a skirt in FWB that I thought was super cute, and looked casual and comfortable... See here: 

So me, being pretty creative (I'd like to think), thought maybe I could make that! Last night was execution time... why? Why not... it was like, oh, 11:40 at night, and what better than to break out the sewing machine and get to work... (Yeah, these are my ideas of fun on late Saturday night!)

Here was the skirt (almost) from the beginning. I had already cut a curved slit up to the top...

Now I'm not as awesome a sewer as some, so I didn't think I'd be able to get the ripples like hers has, but the basic cut is what I was hoping for. So I pinned....
This is how much of a sewer I am NOT, I pinned the outside and then had to repin it from the inside to sew... oops.

I also wanted to lose the A-line and have more of a fitted pencil skirt, so I pinned the sides:

Let's see how it fits!

I'm liking it! Ok, so lets turn it inside out and get it repinned... Duh.

 I repinned the curve up the front first, sewed it, and then redid the rest... This is trying it on inside out after repinning correctly!

It's like I have wings! Or more like just little flaps... 

So I sewed up the sides! I had contemplated if it would be too long; if I'd need to hem it up, but after trying on the finished product (and doing the "sit test") I was happy with it! 


I LOVE my new FREE skirt! (I got my money's worth out of that A-line... and I think it was like 10 bucks from Target in the first place.... ;-)

And the REALLY exciting part?? It took me like a whole 30 minutes to do this... SO happy. 

So what do you think?!! Now I get to add this to my new creative wardrobe!

And for a definite side note... don't you think it's weird that there is no difference in spelling between sewer, one that sews, and sewer, like gross-in-the-ground sewer. Just a thought..... ;-)
