'Tis the Season to be Blogging

Well... Last night I was checking out some random strangers' blogs before going to bed, as it's quite easy to go from one to another... As I continued to click through different blogs, I started seeing a theme and came to a conclusion... I just may not be HIP enough for a blog... hah. I'm not mocking anyone. I am quite serious. There are so many blogs with women doing amazing things or making amazing things! And SO many photos! So, so many photos... girls in funky dresses and tights with mary janes standing in front of old barns or in fields. From what I can read many of them have husbands that enjoy taking their photos. And often, it appears. I would feel silly asking my husband to do that, and he is so NOT the type to be interested in doing so anyhoo. hehe. It's funny to even think about it. I'm definitely not saying there is anything wrong with that; I enjoy reading the blogs and looking at pictures and all that, very much. However, I feel like I'm not whimsical enough for the blogging world. When I first started this blog, I didn't want to reveal my name or photo, or that of my husband or children either... it kind of freaked me out to think of people reading all about us and seeing our pictures and all. It could be silly of me to think we'd be so awesome, we'd end up with stalkers or something... I just always feel weird about people knowing our "business." I guess this is definitely better than facebook though. I mean, it's not just posted for all; People would actually have to make the effort to get to my blog. So that's good. So I'm going to open up a little. I feel like that's what the People want, after all... ;-) It'll be a slow and steady process though. 

With that being said, my girls and I had quite a dance party today. You'll have to forgive the blurriness, they were shaking it so hard!

We turned on Christmas music and danced all over the house. It was pretty fun and I attempted to turn it into a bit of a workout, running, squatting, and doing high knees throughout the house. I mean, I thought to myself, I may as well do this now with them while they think it's funny and not embarrassing! And as I hold my two-year-old upside down, and dance in circles, she laughs and says "Mommy, you make me laugh"... Now I have to say that is one of the sweetest things she's ever said to me... I love my sweet girls. In the midst of our dance party, I folded some clothes AND transformed a boring wreath:

Into awesomeness:

A $10 transformation... yay!

And while I'm on the subject of Christmas (I was, wasn't I?), I want to post the other Christmas decorations... this is mostly for my husbands benefit, so he can see what the house looks like, but it might give anyone else ideas too, so here goes!

I love our tree. We use little piles of white garland to look like clumps of snow... although in this dark room, it looks like they are giant glowing bulbs!

Our ledge gets this little tree, where we put all the "personal" decorations, mine from childhood, our childrens beginning collection, and hopefully soon, my husbands will be on there too! (My mother-in-law has to do a search first ;-) 

Soft snow above the cabinets with colored snowflakes and rope light! I love how it glows!
(Oh, and you also get a peek at how our walls and cabinets have turned out! I haven't posted pics for those projects, mostly, because the backsplash is the last project that hasn't happened yet...)

Last year, my daughter and husband decorated the little trees that go in the girl's rooms... but this year, the girls decorated them themselves... I have to say, it gives them much more character, I love them ;-)


So sweet... it's been a while since I've been so happy about the holidays. For quite a few years, I became one of those people that was pretty sad around the holiday time. Meeting my husband, and even more so, having children, has made me appreciate much more and realize what a wonderful time of year Christmas is! I'm so excited to create new traditions with my family! Which reminds me, I'll be posting soon about the advent calendar I created! But for now... sleep :-)
