Recycling for artwork

You know how you sometimes you have this idea in your head and get so excited about it?! And then when you execute it, you still think it's awesome, but there is also this other voice inside that is thinking "What if this isn't as awesome as you think it is..."

About 7-8 years ago, in my dad's garage, I built a table. A dining room table out of 2 old small doors and 4 old table legs. The doors had two insets each, so I came up with the idea to put pieces of compressed wood in them, so the surface was flush. I also thought it would be awesome to paint those pieces with chalkboard paint, and kept a bucket of chalk in the middle of the table... it was a super fun table, to say the least. Here is a picture of how our Thanksgiving went a couple years ago:

(Nevermind all the junk around the table, we'd been in the house for only a couple weeks! hah) 
The table was fun while it lasted, but once my oldest daughter was old enough to scribble.... and scribble... and scribble... I got more and more tired of having to clean it so often. She wasn't quite as delicate with the chalk as we had been. 

SO, we found a new table, and "this guy" went to live in the basement. I attempted to sell it at a garage sale, but without actually putting it together (the legs unscrew and the chalkboard pieces just set in, they aren't glued or anything for cleaning purposes), I don't think anybody knew what it was. Or cared. Duh. 

But now I'm so glad! So back to what I was saying, I got this idea in my head, because we have a huge ledge above our tv in the living room and I couldn't figure out what to put up there. I came up with an idea but thought I would need to go to the hardware store and buy some plywood or something to paint on. (I'm too cheap for canvases sometimes...) Then it dawned on me that I could use this tabletop!

So it took only about an hour to transform it, and when it was finished, I thought to myself "Yay, I love it! But is it really great or am I just caught up in it?" So I put it up on the ledge to test it out and stared at it for the rest of the night. I liked it.

This morning, though, as I came down the stairs? It was like Christmas morning! I had forgotten all about the new artwork and when I turned the corner, I was taken aback. I LOVE IT!!!! I think it looks perfect. 

The best part about it, is the sentimental meaning behind it. The words are song lyrics and very few will probably know the song. But my husband knows it. It's our song, and it has been from the very beginning. Every time I look at this, my heart melts! I'm so excited. I didn't want to post this or talk about; I wanted to surprise him when he comes home... but I am too impatient. I know he will read this, and I'm too excited; I have to share it with him! So hopefully he likes it! haha

Yay!! So pleased with the outcome! And for free too!! I used whatever spray paint and latex paint I already had!

And a p.s.... the graphic designer in me wants typography to take over my house... a visit to the clearance shelf at Target got this wall a $6 makeover, the frame was $2 and the ampersand was $4. It's just the space between my kitchen and laundry, leading out to the garage. And that makes me smile too!

Anybody else have some "recycling/reutilizing" projects they want to share?? Or some awesomely discounted deals that lead to mini-transformations?? Show us!! :-)
