Tub and taco time!

Splish Splash! These are not actually the sounds that are really coming from the left of me... it's more like growling and giggling, as my two girls are playing around in the bathtub. After they get scrubbed down, they enjoy playing for an extended period of time. So what better time than to sit down on the sink countertop and post some random information! This blog may end up mainly being about how cute my kids are. I'll probably include more, but we all know, that kids trump everything else. Well, maybe not everyone knows that, but people that have kids know, at least.
My two year old continues to blow my mind when it comes to the things she knows and the information she's able to retain. This evening for dinner, we had tilapia tacos. I was at the counter breading the fish and she walks up and says "Look! Nemo!" I guess she's too young for anything like that to be disturbing, but I was quite astonished at the fact that she knew what raw fish looked like, first of all... and then the connection with Nemo? I didn't know what to say. As I was putting the fish in the oven, I told her "Go grab a diaper and I'll change you after I get the food going." So she takes off, returns about 30 seconds later and says "Ok. Diaper. Butt paste. And..... (thinking) and wipes!" And she'd laid all three out on the living room floor for me. Sigh. Every day is something new and I love it. My one year old daughter is doing her best to keep up, but she's also got quite a laid-back mentality and I'm sure she thinks "Well I don't really need to do _______. My sister will do it for me. Ha! The youngest sits here in the tub, slowing letting water out, as she's figured out the drain, and just keeps smiling up at me. I shake my head no and she copies, shaking hers back. I don't imagine she's figured out how to nod her head up and down, but I do it just to see. She immediately switches from back and forth to up and down. Who knew! See, I feel like secretly she knows how to do all of the things that a one year old does, but she keeps them secret, all bottled-up, just waiting for the right moment to surprise us all. She's ornery like that. 

So yeah, dinner was a definite winner. It was a recipe out of Clean Eating, calling for halibut, but all we had was tilapia, mahi mahi, and tuna steaks in the freezer. The tilapia was a great substitute. CE breaded it in ground puffed brown rice, which I used, but I also ground up some FiberOne cereal for breading too. I learned this trick from Hungry Girl, who seems to use the cereal in everything. But I really do think that is the secret to weight control: watching sugar intake and getting enough whole grains and fiber. So we may as well sneak it into everything we can! So I dredged the fish in brown rice flour, then egg, then the cereal mix with some cumin and salt. I made a homemade salsa with cabbage, tomato, roasted corn, english cucumber, onion, some cilantro, and salt and pepper. Yum! The tacos (or "sandwiches" for toddler-speak) were awesome! And plenty left for lunch tomorrow! Yay!

Well... tub time has drawn to a close! Woohoo for bedtime!
