Knitting for Kim!

The past couple days have completely felt like fall. The weather is starting to cool down and on a lazy Sunday afternoon, it just seemed appropriate to knit. And coincidentally, my friend Kim is attempting to learn how to knit and mentioned it on Facebook. She also mentioned how the videos on youtube were not  all that helpful in instructing you how to do it! So I thought, well, maybe I'll make a quick video for her and it will either bomb like all the others, OR it'll help!

Well, as far as I can tell, she said she is working it out and practicing now, and that my video WAS in fact helpful... so I thought I'd go ahead and toss it up here for anyone else that may be wanting to learn... of course, she'd already casted on her stitches so I only had to start from that point... need help casting on too?? Let me know, I'll keep the videos coming! 

Good luck and happy knitting!
